Seven Years of Silhouettes (& counting)

I love that my art allows me to see so many sweet children – from all over. Many of them return for new silhouettes annually! After all, children change so much those first years and all through school. One of my regular customers was kind enough to send me photographs of her daughter’s silhouettes that we have done so far.

The first seven years in silhouettes.
The first seven years in silhouettes.

She gives them each year as a Father’s Day gift. I thought it would be fun to post them so people could see an example of one child’s profile as it progresses over seven years (and counting). I’ve done hers in person each year until just this past month –  sadly, the shop I where I usually see her closed.

Source pictures for creating her most recent profile
Source pictures for creating her most recent profile

(By the way – I’m on the hunt for a new shop near Charlotte, NC who might like to have a silhouette artist visit once or twice a year.)

We did this year’s silhouette by email. I do silhouettes in person by visiting shops or meeting people in my studio or coming to playgroups…But I also do silhouettes by email!