Family or Personal

Our Holiday Waiting Game

Our Holiday Waiting Game

You know that scene near the end of “The Family Man” with Nicholas Cage… where his daughter rings the bell on her bike and he asks her what is she doing? She doesn’t know that the bell is actually a signal that everything that really matters to him now, is about to change. He then goes…

It Doesn’t Take A Birthday

It Doesn’t Take A Birthday

Yesterday was mother’s day. I always think about the other women out there who suffer through infertility. I went through that many years before I was finally blessed with my three children. (That’s another great story.) My husband and I waited so long before knowing the excitement of even just “expecting.” And when we finally felt that expectation of not one, but…

Boots for School Supply

Boots for School Supply

Here are some photos of my Parks with his new rain boots. He has not taken these boots off since I gave them to him yesterday. He wore them out to dinner this evening and was so hopeful when we saw the dark sky… but it didn’t rain. He even wore them to bed last…

Profile in Pastel

Here is the portrait I did of Elizabeth, my daughter! So this one was not a commission. I try to do a new portrait of each of my kids every 2 or 3 years between the other commissions I work on. This was her turn. I love her in blue. I took the photos of…

Husband back from Afghanistan!

My husband is back! For the past 2 years, he has been helping to build barracks in Afghanistan. He was able to come home every 3 months for a short R&R but other than that, I got to experience motherhood from the perspective of a virtual single Mom… of 3 kids… one was only just…